Recamier Placenta Curette

Recamier Placenta Curette

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Sims Uterine Curette

30,65 $

Sims Uterine Curette with sharp tip is designed to remove tough tissue from the lining of the uterus for biopsy or excision. The teardrop shaped, fenestrated, loop tip is sharp that is available in various sizes. It is available as a rigid or malleable type to accommodate various cases. The overall length is 11″ (28.0 cm).

Available in malleable & rigid shafts.
Working end sizes 5mm (Fig 00) – 14mm (Fig 6).
Fenestrated tear drop shape sharp tip.
Completely sterilizable.

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Technical Specifications – Sims Uterine Curette:

Material: Premium Quality German Stainless Steel
Specialty: Gynecology & Obstetrics
Overall Length: 11″ (28.0 cm)
Finish: Satin
Rust Prevention Procedure: Passivated
Ultrasonic Cleaned: Yes
Sterile or Non-Sterile: Non-Sterile
Disposable or Reusable: Reusable
Autoclavable: Yes
Tests Performed: Shape Test, Boil Test and Performance Test
Packing: Individually Packed
QC Passed: Yes